Our Test & Inspection Solutions
TR7700 SII Plus CI
TR7700 SII Plus CI brings easy Conformal Coating Inspection that combines a high precision optical design with specialized multi-phase lighting to inspect UV-active Conformal Coatings. Smart software and multi-phase imaging ensure the TR7700 SII Plus CI identifies most typical coating defects with minimum false calls.
- Accurate UV-Active Coating Inspection
- Intuitive Coverage Programming and Easy Training
- Accurate Coating Area Measurement
- Noise Reduction with Multi-phase Lighting
- Size: TR7700 SII Plus CI: 1000 x 1400 x 1650 mm.
Note: not including signal tower, signal tower height 520 mm - Weight: TR7700 SII Plus CI: 600 kg
- Size: TR7700 SII Plus CI: 1000 x 1400 x 1650 mm.
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